Volume No. : 7
Issue No. : 4
Year : 2019
Pages : 746-750
ISSN Print : 2347-5145
ISSN Online : 2454-2687
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S. Abirama Sundari1, S. Geetha2
1M.Sc., Applied Geography Govt. College for Women (A), Kumbakonam.
2Asst. Prof. of Geography, Govt.College for Women (A), Kumbakonam.
*Corresponding Author
DOI No: 10.5958/2454-2687.2019.00051.0
Mobile phone plays a vital role in communication system. In recent years, mobile gives the world in to our hands. In digital India, Smart phone is became a necessity for regular life because all activities are made by mobile phone like mobile banking, on line purchasing, mobile billing etc., The students using mobile phones for their academic activities. The mobile phone provided facilities in mobile calling, sms and video calling. The mobile phones providing facilities like internet, e-mails, games, social Medias like face-book, Twitter, You tube, dictionary, e books and etc. The users of the mobiles are under the age group of 17 to 25. This study is made to examine the behavior towards the usage of mobile phones. The primary data collected through questionnaire method. College students of first, second, final year and PG students were participated this questionnaire survey. Considered as population and simple random sampling technique were used to select the sample of 300 students. The collected data were analyzed with the help of SPSS tool.
Smart Phone Usage, Apps, social Medias, Academic Performance.
S. Abirama Sundari, S. Geetha. Mobile Phone usage Among College Girls in Kumbakonam Taluk. Int. J. Rev. and Res. Social Sci. 2019; 7(4): 746-750.
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