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Volume No. :   7

Issue No. :  4

Year :  2019

Pages :  729-732

ISSN Print :  2347-5145

ISSN Online :  2454-2687


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Zone of Proximity Development in Language Teaching: Competency and Skill

Address:   Prof. V Srinivas1, Chinta Praveen Kumar2
1Dean, Faculty of Arts, Kakatiya University, Warangal, TU
2English Language Trainer
*Corresponding Author
DOI No: 10.5958/2454-2687.2019.00047.9

This paper is intended to help teachers with an intention of proximity of language teaching methods which many view as perplexities and chaos while teaching English. No sooner that teachers observe their learners trying to get competency in acquiring language than they realize that something is wrong. But exactly what is wrong and why? How does one account for the fact that learners seem to vary so much? Learners always seem to have problems such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and sentence-patterns. How do some students progress well through zone of proximity development? And some others seem stranded on the proverbial plateau. This paper attempts to answer the analysis of methods and materials for language teaching at present scenario. What is the nature of the task before each member of the learning-teaching partnership? A large part of this research article will be concerned with the factors which affect knowing the proper method of teaching English. It is important to examine these closely because the views teachers hold about the abilities and limitations of learners are bound to influence the priorities and schedule of events in any learning programme that they devise for students.
ZPD, ELT, Competency, Content, Skill.
V Srinivas, Chinta Praveen Kumar. Zone of Proximity Development in Language Teaching: Competency and Skill. Int. J. Rev. and Res. Social Sci. 2019; 7(4): 729-732.
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